Sunday, March 24, 2013

More the Merrier Monday

Welcome back to “More the Merrier Monday” where you show off your creative side. Link up your blog post with any crafty tutorials, recipes, or tips.

In order to play along, you’ll need to add the following button to your post. Edit and then simply copy & paste the html code into the top or bottom of your post. Optional, if you’re on Twitter, tweet it out so people can see it! 

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="More the Merrier Monday" border="0"/></a>
If you link up, please take a second to view and comment on the 2 posts above you!
This way we can really get to know each other, make new friends, AND everyone gets comments.

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Do you have any diy tutorials, organizing tips, or recipes that you would like to share with DIY Home Sweet Home readers? 

If so, please fill out the 'Get Featured' form for a chance to be featured on this blog!

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